National Association of Residential Property Managers
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NARPM® Membership Application
If you wish to pay by check, please download the membership application.
The following is required to complete the online membership application:
      1. Fill out this online information survey
      2. Pay the Membership Application Fee by Credit Card
          * I understand that a credit card payment is required to complete this online membership application.

NARPM Members must be engaged in the management of residential properties and licensed in those states that require licensing, and agree to abide by the professional and ethical standards of NARPM®. NARPM Members MUST complete the NARPM Ethics course within the first 90 days of membership or membership will be inactivated (dues are non-refundable). New NARPM Members will pay dues in the amount of $320 less a new member discount of $50, making the effective dues amount $270. Includes subscription to Residential Resource.

National vendors that provide products and services to the property management industry have the opportunity to join NARPM® as a National Affiliate Member. Affiliate Members will pay dues in the amount of $320 less a new member discount of $50, making the effective dues amount $270.
* indicates a required field.

  Membership Requirements

* Does your state require a license? Yes

  Contact & Professional Information

Salutation: Mr.   Mrs.   Ms.         Other:  
* Name:
* Have you previously been a member of NARPM®? Yes   No
* Are you an International member? Yes   No
Designations received: CSS®   RMP®   MPM®   CRMC®
* Company Name:
* Are you the Broker/Owner?: Yes    No  
* Office Address:
* City:   * State:   * Zip:
* Office Phone:
Office Fax:
* Email:
Local Chapter Affiliation:
Search Chapter Information:
* How did you hear about NARPM? Industry Tradeshow  NARPM® Event  Website
Facebook  IREM® Advertisement
From a Member  Article  Mail
Referred By:
* Doors Managed: 0-24   25-99   100-249   250-499   500-1499  

  Demographic Information

(choose highest level attained):
High School/GED    Some College      Associates Degree   
Bachelors Degree    Masters Degree   PhD
Languages Spoken
(choose all that apply):
English    Spanish    French
* Ethnicity: Native American    Asian    Black    Hispanic    White
Do not wish to disclose
* Age: 18-29   30-39   40-49   50-55   56+
Do not wish to disclose
Discount Code:Enter your Chapter membership drive event discount code.
Discounted price will show up on your emailed receipt.
Credit Card Number:
Expiration Date: /
Security Code (3 Digit):
Affirmation of Eligibility:
Whereas, I wish to hold membership in the National Association of Residential Property Managers and whereas, I am actively en-gaged in the management of residential properties, I do hereby affirm that I fully understand the requirements of the licensing laws of my State and affirm that I am now and will continue to be in compliance with those laws during my membership.
Conditional Membership until Ethics Completed:
I understand that by applying for NARPM Membership, my membership will be conditional until I complete the required NARPM Ethics course (provided at no cost) within the first 90 days of applying. If the course is not completed within the first 90 days, membership will be inactivated (dues are non-refundable).

Submit this form.
Your membership will be active once NARPM staff has reviewed all information submitted.


1403 Greenbrier Parkway, Ste 150, Chesapeake, VA 23320 | P (800) 782-3452 | E
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